Controlling Pest in The Garden

Pest in the garden and its infestations– All year long we have to be vigilant of what’s eating our gardens. If it’s not the squash bugs (as seen in the nymph stage along with its eggs on featured image), or cabbage worms early in the spring, it’s the cucumber beetle, or potato beetles munching on all sorts of plants. Most insects will attack many plants, not just the plant they are named after. Usually they are named after the plant they like most!
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Defense Against Infestation
The first line of defense against any pest infestation in the garden is to inspect the leaves of plants regularly. Especially the underside of the leaves as this is where most pest lay the eggs (looking for protection against the sun), they feed, and reproduce. Regularly inspecting the leaves and crushing the eggs, nymphs, or adults will keep your plants healthy. In a few days, a batch of eggs can hatch, and the larva or nymphs hungrily eat everything they find in sight, it can be devastating.
Devastation Example – Use protection
I planted a patty pan squash and meant to get my row cover and cloth, which works great keeping insects out. I was a little slow and got distracted talking and doing several things around the garden. A few hours later, there was nothing left of the plants. The cucumber beetles eggs had hatched, and they ate everything and left barely even the stems. This is how fast it can happen, sometimes. Sure, I killed whatever beetles I found. But I no longer had plants.
Read the blog on row covers – keeping the bugs out.
Squash Bugs
During the summer months there are many pest in the garden but squash bugs come out in large numbers. The eggs are shiny and bronze colored. The nymphs are green, with a little red on the legs. They can have five generations within the season. Imagine how many squash bugs, that is! They eat lots of vegetables by sucking the life out of the plants and eating everything in sight. So, let’s keep the populations down by killing them as they fly, as they can easily hop the fence. Use gloves if you think it’s disgusting but crush them. See video on insect control.
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