Factors that Influence Watering

Factors that Influence Watering
When to water the garden it’s still one of the most common questions I get asked. It may seem like a simple question with a simple answer, but there are many factors that influence watering. How often you water.
- From the type of soil
- The weather
- The vegetables you are growing
- The type of mulch
- The mechanism used to water are just some of the considerations
Type of Soil Influences Watering
First, there is the type of soil you have. If the soil is very sandy, the water will percolate quickly and the ground will dry up fast in the heat of the summer. You will need to take special care to prevent your plants from drying out. Incorporating organic matter as often as possible will improve the water holding capacity, and the soil will not dry out as quickly. Mulching will be essential for the hot summer in order to cut down on watering the garden and conserving water.
If you have a clay soil, then the soil will hold on to the water longer, but once it dries out, it will be harder to get the moisture back into the soil. With clay soil, watering the garden will likely be needed less often. Incorporating organic matter will improve the soil and loosen up the particles that are so tightly bound together in the clay soil. This allows better percolation and drainage. Therefore, adding organic matter regularly is a sure way to improve the soil and prevent vegetables from rotting when there is too much water. Learn about soil microbes, creating black gold and restoring the soil into a fertile ground. Just some of the topics covered in my course Soil, The Key to Organic Gardening On SALE now! great price on my soil course until February 7, 2024.
A raised bed can be very helpful when you have these wet conditions. To read more about raised beds: https://gardeningtheorganicway.com/raised-bed-and-container-gardening/gardening-using-raised-beds/
To learn greater understanding about watering and growing fantastic organic vegetables purchase my book ‘Garden the Organic Way’ https://gardentheorganicway.etsy.com
Watering your Vegetables
Another factor that influences watering is the type of vegetable you grow. Most vegetables need a good amount of water until they are fully established. Other vegetables need watering at certain key periods – when they flower and start to set fruit. In order for the development to take place, watering becomes a key factor.
Then you have other vegetables that can stand a little dryness and do well, like snap and pole beans, cowpeas and okra. Other vegetables, like melons, tomatoes and squash, will tolerate some dry conditions once they are established. Once tomatoes start to produce, they need more watering.

There are also varieties breed to tolerate dryer conditions, and some heirlooms also fall under this category. Choosing the varieties based on your conditions will help regulate the watering needs and to conserve water when necessary.
Tips to Help in Watering
A huge factor in determining how much and how often you water is the use of mulch. Straw mulch will keep the moisture in the soil and not allow it to evaporate, especially during the hot summer months. Water conservation can be crucial in certain areas or years where there is drought. The combination of mulching along with trickle irrigation is a great solution. It’s best to water early in the morning versus in the heat of the day in order to prevent the water from potentially burning the plants.
In the video below I give a general rule of how much water is needed for most vegetables when you are watering the garden but, depending on the multiple circumstances discussed above, you will be able to determine how often you should really water. https://youtu.be/7MJw3IJ2CG8
You can also purchase the ebook ‘Garden the Organic Way’ http://Amazon- Garden the Organic Way
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