Garden the Organic Way Book!

Garden the Organic Way Book!

The book “Garden the Organic Way” is now available in softcover and would make a perfect holiday gift or reading material during the offseason gardening months. The book serves as a comprehensive guide to organic gardening, covering all stages from being an absolute beginner to harvesting delicious fruits and vegetables. It also emphasizes soil restoration and sustainable practices. It can help plan upcoming gardens, increase crop production, and enhance overall garden productivity. It’s available on Etsy via the link provided on the website.

Ordering Seeds

Ordering Seeds

Planning and ordering seeds in winter involves deciding on the crop variety, checking which ones performed well in past seasons, and choosing a reliable supplier, preferably offering organic seeds. Potentially damaging factors like dealing with disease-prone varieties it’s best to use F1 varieties and staying away from today’s controversial genetically modified (GMO). Some companies sell seeds with fungicides that destroy soil microorganisms, shifting you away from organic growing. The advice emphasizes awareness of seed viability and endorsements against using harmful GMO seeds.

Carrots are Not Germinating?

Carrots are Not Germinating?

Carrots have a slow germination rate, taking up to 30 days to germinate. It is recommended to use a fast-germinating companion plant like radishes or mark the seeding spot. More insights can be obtained from the book ‘Garden the Organic Way’ or the respective YouTube gardening videos.

Summer Plantings

Summer Plantings

In the summer, some vegetables like lima beans, bush beans, okra, and corn can be direct seed once soil temperatures reach 60°F. For certain vegetables like cantaloupes, cucumbers, and peppers, consider using store-bought seedlings or soaking seeds to speed up germination. Choosing short-season watermelon varieties and using row covers can expedite the growing process. For more information on organic growing practices, visit “Garden the Organic Way” at Etsy or Amazon.

What Vegetables Need Pollinators?

What Vegetables Need Pollinators?

Some vegetables require pollinators for successful growth, benefiting both plants and bees. Examples of essential pollination-dependent vegetables include cucumbers, peppers, and various berries, along with fruit trees like apple, cherry, pear, and plum. Bees play a crucial role in pollinating a wide range of foods, including apples, blackberries, cucumbers, and strawberries.

Growing Great Tomatoes

Growing Great Tomatoes

Growing great tomatoes is a rewarding endeavor, especially when done organically. Tomatoes, part of the nightshade family, are easy to grow and offer various types, sizes, and flavors. Understanding their growing requirements, such as warm temperatures, sunlight, and well-drained soil, is essential. Additionally, factors like staking, bloom length, disease resistance, and proper watering contribute to a successful harvest. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a bountiful crop of delicious, pesticide-free tomatoes.

Spring Tasks

Spring Tasks

Here in the Northeast gardening is in full swing in early spring.  Some spring tasks are important to do early in the season, whether you are a beginner or a well-seasoned gardener. Soil Fertility: Here are the steps Want to increase your soil’s microbe population 

Companion Planting

Companion Planting

Traditional research is mostly focused on chemicals, growth hormones, GMO’s, and an array of company-funded projects but not on companion planting. Few researchers are venturing out and doing innovative work that benefits the small individual gardener or small organic farm. But times are changing, and 

Planning the Vegetable Garden

Planning the Vegetable Garden

Best time for planning the vegetable garden and get ready, for spring is during the winter. This is the time to evaluate last year’s harvest, and to see what variety of vegetables did well and what didn’t. Planning the vegetable garden is one of the 

Putting the Garden to Rest

Putting the Garden to Rest

Putting the garden to rest and preparing for spring is very important as it will determine the following year results. It’s when the nighttime temperatures start dropping into the 30°’s F and during the day they are staying in the 50°’s F to low 60°’s 

What To Plant In the Fall

What To Plant In the Fall

A good summary of the many vegetables that can be planted in the fall. In addition, there are links to blogs on the various vegetables for greater details.

Cool Weather Crops

Cool Weather Crops

Fall Production is awesome! Cool weather Crops – most of us feel like, when it comes to gardening, everything ends when the summer ends. In reality, we must look at the coming fall as a spring but better. In the fall certain cool weather crops