Flowers that Attract Bees and other Pollinators

Flowers that Attract Bees and other Pollinators

There are many flowers that attract bees and other pollinators and other beneficial Insects. I prefer using native and popular perennials, as they don’t need to be replanted every year. They are likely to thrive for some years with proper care, such as adding compost annually and periodic division when they become oversized or overcrowded. The chart below is meant as a guide to help in your selection of the colors you want to incorporate into the garden, depending on the perennial and specific variety that you choose.
The blog provides insights into attracting bees and other pollinators to gardens, emphasizing the use of native and popular perennials that don’t require annual replanting. It also highlights the importance of flower diversity and timing to ensure continuous blooming throughout the year. Additionally, it discusses the significance of leaving certain vegetables behind to attract bees and the impact of pesticides on bee populations. The article aims to encourage readers to contribute to the preservation of pollinators by creating bee-friendly environments.

Garden the Organic Way Book!

Garden the Organic Way Book!

The book “Garden the Organic Way” is now available in softcover and would make a perfect holiday gift or reading material during the offseason gardening months. The book serves as a comprehensive guide to organic gardening, covering all stages from being an absolute beginner to harvesting delicious fruits and vegetables. It also emphasizes soil restoration and sustainable practices. It can help plan upcoming gardens, increase crop production, and enhance overall garden productivity. It’s available on Etsy via the link provided on the website.

Right time to Harvest

Right time to Harvest

Harvesting vegetables at their peak maturity is crucial for optimal taste, texture, and disease or insect resistance. Certain vegetables, like lettuce and mustard greens, become unpalatable if they are left to bolt or overheat. The author also warns about losing crops due to procrastination, as waiting too long can leave plants susceptible to pest infestations. Quick harvesting upon detecting such issues is necessary to prevent total crop loss.

Organic Fertilization

Organic Fertilization

The post distinguishes between organic and non-organic fertilization, explaining organic fertilizers utilize naturally produced components rather than synthetically produced ones. Examples include blood meal from animals, though lack of organic feeding may make it less organic, and bat guano, which is typically organic due to bats’ natural food sources. Each fertilizer should be thoroughly researched to ensure its organic nature.

How To Build a Raised Bed

How To Build a Raised Bed

The video “Building a Raised Bed” demonstrates how to construct a raised bed for gardening. Raised beds are efficient, requiring fewer resources and producing larger yields, while preserving soil structure. They offer a fresh start with desired soil types and minimize organic matter addition. Using a raised bed also prevents soil compaction and improves aeration and root development, fostering healthier plants. The book “Garden the Organic Way” and my Udemy course on soils are recommended for deeper understanding.

Straw Mulch versus Plastic or other Mulches

Straw Mulch versus Plastic or other Mulches

The author discusses the benefits and disadvantages of using different mulching materials in organic gardening, with a focus on straw and plastic. Straw is highlighted as an eco-friendly, affordable and effective mulch that protects plants while regulating soil temperature. It’s also useful for planning ahead for the spring planting season. However, small creatures like voles find it attractive. While plastic can heat beds quickly and prevent weeds, it raises soil temperatures, does not allow sufficient rainwater penetration, and can harbor rodents. It’s also non-recyclable and contributes to waste. The author encourages the use of other decomposable materials like compost, coconut husks, dried leaves and grass for mulching.

Factors that Influence Watering

Factors that Influence Watering

The amount of water necessary for a garden depends on factors such as the type of soil, weather, vegetables being grown, mulch used, and watering mechanism. Sandy soil drains quickly and needs more water, while clay soil retains water longer. Mulching can help conserve water, especially in hot summer months. Certain vegetables require more water during key growth periods, while others tolerate dryness. The application of organic matter can facilitate better soil percolation and moisture retention, while breed selection can match watering needs to the garden’s conditions.

Harboring Insects and Diseases

Harboring Insects and Diseases

In managing gardens in different locations there are lessons learned about composting and the importance of crop rotation. The advice is to consistently turn compost piles to prevent grub populations, clean up and dispose of infested plants, and practice crop rotation to limit disease. Mild winters allow certain crops, like greens, to grow longer, but also enable disease to stay around and fruit trees to bloom prematurely, potentially causing a lost crop.

Carrots are Not Germinating?

Carrots are Not Germinating?

Carrots have a slow germination rate, taking up to 30 days to germinate. It is recommended to use a fast-germinating companion plant like radishes or mark the seeding spot. More insights can be obtained from the book ‘Garden the Organic Way’ or the respective YouTube gardening videos.

Growing Broccoli

Growing Broccoli

Growing broccoli, a nutrient-rich superfood from the cabbage family, requires special care. It thrives in full sun, cooler weather, and well-drained soil with pH 6.0-7.5. Over-fertilizing or neglecting watering habits can hinder growth. Transplant indoors-grown broccoli outdoors once it has true leaves. Conversely, direct seed outdoors for fall harvest. Different varieties mature at different times, thus enabling a stretched harvest season. However, they face threats from pests like cabbageworms, flea beetles, and cutworms, so protective measures are necessary. Some recommend a three-year family rotation to prevent disease buildup.

Growing Collard Greens

Growing Collard Greens

Growing Collard Greens is simple and rewarding due to their high nutritional value. These leafy vegetables prefer cool weather and are adaptable to a range of soil pH levels. They are susceptible to common cabbage family pests and diseases but can be protected with a floating row cover and crop rotation. For optimal taste, harvest them after the first frost.

How To Grow Corn

How To Grow Corn

The article provides a comprehensive guide on growing corn, noting its origin, nutritional value, and various types. It emphasizes the role of appropriate space, fertility, and weather in corn cultivation. It also explains the prevention measures for cross-pollinating different corn varieties and GMO corn. The article offers tips on planting schedules for continuous harvests, fertilization, weeding, and harvesting techniques. It also mentions the traditional three sister planting method.

What Vegetables Need Pollinators?

What Vegetables Need Pollinators?

Some vegetables require pollinators for successful growth, benefiting both plants and bees. Examples of essential pollination-dependent vegetables include cucumbers, peppers, and various berries, along with fruit trees like apple, cherry, pear, and plum. Bees play a crucial role in pollinating a wide range of foods, including apples, blackberries, cucumbers, and strawberries.

Why Don’t I Get Beets or Radishes?

Why Don’t I Get Beets or Radishes?

Why don’t I get beets or radishes, only leaves?  I often get asked this question.  Watch  video for a complete answer. When you are getting only leaves in beets or radishes without bulb formation can be attributed to several reasons. The following factors may contribute 

Fabric Row Covers: Keeping Bugs Out!

Fabric Row Covers: Keeping Bugs Out!

Lightweight row covers offer several advantages for protecting your crops. The biggest benefit is their effectiveness in controlling insect infestations. By placing the row cover immediately after planting, whether in spring, summer, or fall, you can prevent pests from damaging your crops. Additionally, the extra warmth provided by the fabric promotes faster vegetable development in spring and extends the growing season in the fall. This method is highly effective in controlling insects without the use of any chemicals.